Monday, November 21, 2011

Why Yes, Thank You, I Would Love a Glass of Champagne with My Haircut

I must say, as far as Saturdays go this one was pretty good. I knew das Mädchen needed a haircut so I had offered to take her when I went which resulted in my morning 'work' going as follows: we headed into Vienna about 10:00 in the morning to the hairdresser that the family always uses. The Mother met us there and took the Daughter shopping while I was got my hair washed and trimmed. They brought me back a really good panini from Harry's Café (somewhere near the French café Le Bol) and we ate a nice lunch while the Daughter was getting her hair washed. Out of nowhere I heard a cork pop and glanced in the mirror to see a rosé getting poured into two crystal champagne flutes. Hmmm. The Mother offered me a sip and when I nodded my approval she poured me a glass as well. Now, I'm not too learned as far as champagnes go, but this tasted particularly good to me. Sheesh, if I didn't love Sherry so much I would wish that this was my regular hairdresser! Although I have a hunch I wouldn't have gotten such treatment without the Mother there.

Anyway, das Mädchen and I left while she stayed to get her hair done because... we were going to the theater! The family was going to Baden, a town about half an hour out of Vienna, to see a childrens' production, 'musical' I suppose you could categorize it as, of Pollicino and they had invited me along. Although it wasn't my favorite, the set was well-done and detailed, the children did a very good job, and I was pleased that I understood a decent number of lines. It was a little hard to see the stage from my seat, so at intermission the Mother suggested I go sit on the opposite side with a friend of hers who had a box to himself. I mulled it over, then agreed that I would be able to see better from over there. I had met this man on Friday when I was in the family's office and he was quite friendly. Although I'm still not completely sure who he is as far as the family is concerned (friend or co-worker?), he told me that he used to be very involved in the theater both as a performer and a director (...I think. It was in German so I might not be correct), but now he was taking more of a back seat and mostly just supported the theater(s).

(photo courtesy of Techie Talk)

Although cozy, I really liked the theater, and the family said that they can get me tickets any time that I want to go to a performance there, so hopefully I'll be going back soon!

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