Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I'm Back, Safe and Sound

Dearest Followers,
If you've been wondering about my reticence, fret no longer! I have been off on a five-day journey through Germany and up into Denmark. I had quite a grand time and some surprisingly good food. It's taking a bit of time to sort through the one thousand pictures that I took (okay, nine hundred and twenty three, but who's counting?) to determine what's worthy of posting. Actually the difficult part is choosing what not to post, but I'm making progress and writing as I go and all will be fully updated soon. Anyway, who wants to read an abstract when you can indulge in all the delightful details? Check back tomorrow and you can have just that, promise! I have a couple posts in the works but nothing finalized yet, and it's almost 1:00am here so I should hit the hay for the night.
Until tomorrow,

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