Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I'm still here, promise!

So what have I been up to this past two weeks that has so thoroughly kept me occupied? Steffie, one of the musicians I made friends with during my first few weeks here, invited me to a private performance that she was doing with one other woman just for a group of their friends. I was thrilled that I got invited to that (and needless to say, it was really good!).

However, more importantly, the real reason I've been MIA is that Andrew has been here, so we've been trying to make the most of Vienna (including a night at the Staatsoper to see Die Zauberflöte - really neat set, really misogynistic... of course). We also took a day trip to Bratislava. 

So, my apologies for the lack of posting, but that will be remedied soon. Also, I've had word that some of you have been trying unsuccessfully to post comments; I've tweaked the settings a bit, so hopefully you can do so now.


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