Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cafés Aside...

That's not all I've been up to recently. Although I'll probably be getting my bike at the shop, I went around to a few other bike shops to see what offers they could make to have a basis of comparison. One of the places, Nora Sports, right off the U6 (I'd always noticed the store because there's a building-size picture of Lance Armstrong next to it), had a 2011 Cube Attempt that they let me take for a test ride. I went down the bike path that runs alongside the Gürtel and very quickly came to the conclusion that yes, I will be making a bike purchase in the very near future. The Italian woman I met Saturday said she'll come with me next Monday since she knows the owner really well. I'm thrilled about this! Let's just hope I can get in a few rides before the weather turns...

Also on the reconnaissance agenda, I checked out my first barn today. I happened to drive past it when I went to the Pink bike shop this last weekend, and seeing as this barn is so close to Bisamberg it seems awfully convenient. I went by to see if there was a phone number on their sign, but lacking that I decided to go on up to the barn. Success. Nice facilities, beautiful horses, very capable trainer (who speaks English). Only potential, well, I don't want to say 'downside', but perhaps 'hiccup' is that it's a dressage barn. I had really had my heart set on getting better at jumping while I'm here - I was picturing riding with an Austrian Anne, my old Wake coach - but I've never tried dressage. It would be really good for me I know, especially for reining. I watched the head trainer ride for a bit, then she showed me the horses, seemed pleased that I was interested, and gave me her card. The price is really good, too. And the proximity is certainly appealing. But... jumping... Now I really want to visit some more barns and see if there's a good jumping coach. It's Vienna. There has to be one! Right? Then again, it makes sense that dressage would be prevalent with influences like the Spanish Riding School. I hope to have an answer soon.

Bis bald!

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